Nouveau toolkit pour un PMO efficace

Nous sommes fiers d’annoncer le lancement de notre nouveau PMO Toolkit, un ensemble complet d’outils essentiels pour la gestion et la performance de vos projets. Ce toolkit a été développé par nos experts pour répondre aux besoins des équipes projet dans leur quotidien. Il contient : Rejoignez notre communauté PMO…
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New toolkit for an effective PMO

We are proud to announce the launch of our new PMO Toolkit, a comprehensive set of essential tools for managing and improving the performance of your projects. This toolkit was developed by our experts to meet the day-to-day needs of project teams. It contains: This toolkit is a valuable resource…
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Types of Project Management Offices

In most organizations, if nobody is responsible for maintaining project management practices they will fade away and become just another fad.  For this reason, we have seen the rise of the project office. Project offices come in a variety of forms, but can be loosely broken into the categories of duties and…
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10 Roles and Responsibilities of a PMO

There is much confusion over what roles a project management office (PMO) plays, and indeed the term is quite broad. But PMO’s have undergone significant development in recent years and their roles have become more standardized. So whether you’re considering establishing a new PMO or wondering what roles your existing…
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Publication of my first white paper

Today I am pleased to announce the publication of my first white paper, titled “PMO Basics”. This is the first in a series of white papers that I will be publishing. You can view it on slideshare
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Klem fil PMO

Klem fil PMO, is a seminar organized by ABIN CONSULTING, which deals with everything related to the Project Management Office. During this first edition, I presented the importance of setting up the pmo within structures.
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